My first floating experience

Nathan Wolfgang
5 min readJan 21, 2022

It was nothing short of amazing

Photo by Galen Crout on Unsplash

I first heard about floating about a year ago. I was thumbing through a Times special issue on mental health and stumbled on an article on floating.

The article described the story of a combat veteran who suffered from severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). None of the usual treatments helped him. Come floating. He tried it once and experienced immediate relief from his symptoms. After three floating sessions, he was able to sleep through an entire night, not awoken by his body spasming — something he could not do in years.

So what is floating? Floating is a form of therapy or a wellness program that is designed to deliver ultimate sensory deprivation. During a float, a person lies down into a shallow pool — slightly bigger than a normal bathtub — filled with saltwater. The salt content of the water is high enough to make the person float without any effort. A crucial component of a floating session is the absence of any external stimuli: no screens, no music, not even light.

Wikimedia Commons

The purpose of floating is to deprive the body and mind of any sensation and stimuli. No light. No sound. No need to support your body as…



Nathan Wolfgang

Cigarettes, coffee and thinking deeply. Fan of unpopular opinions.